We live in one of the craziest times in human history. Reality has been so obscured that people claim to have their own truths, media propaganda has become a regular occurrence, offense has become a norm and free speech has become a crime.
One of the things that has disturbed me over the past couple of months has been the vaccine debate. It is especially intense in America where the right and left can never agree on any subject even in a time of crisis.
Pastors have also chipped into the debate, some urging their congregation to never take it, some say it’s the mark of the beast. Some pastors are also on the other side of the debate.
A wave of fear
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear hath torment. He who fears has not been made perfect in love.” (1 John Chapter 4 verse 18)
I have noticed over the past couple of months, a wave of fear sweeping over entire nations. When people do not put their faith in God, they are bound to live by fear in the face of crisis. I used to wonder how ordinary Germans participated in some of the horrific things that happened during World War 2, now it’s not so difficult to imagine it.
People will do anything to gain security when they are tormented by fear. A society that lacks a consciousness of God will cling to any narrative if it gives them some sort of hope.
How do we react
We live in a time when its very difficult to know the difference between what is true and what is just propaganda. Mainstream media as well as social media has been a breeding ground for all sorts of insane ideas. I have never seen so much widespread confusion in my life.
The best thing to do this season as a Christian is to turn off the news, turn off social media and seek the face of God. Men may be wrong, but God can never be wrong. God desires that we turn off the noise this season and truly seek his face.
When you truly enter his secret place, you will discover that he is not worried about the current situation of the world as we are. Nothing catches him by surprise, he has seen it all and even the seraphim still cry that the earth is full of his glory! And those who dwell in God’s presence will know that indeed the earth is full of his glory.
Our call is to live daily in his presence. Those who dwell in the secret place of the most high will never get paranoid about life, their joy will never cease because they live by the reality of a higher life. It’s so sad to see the mass hysteria that the world is experiencing but let it be that the world sees a peace that cannot be described in us.
How can I fear when I am surrounded by countless angels? How can I fear when I know that in life or in death, I am victorious? There is a reality that we must grasp amidst the chaos. It is said that in the eye of a hurricane, there is perfect peace. It is only by abiding in him who is the prince of peace that we can find peace in this season.
If you are reading this, I want to urge you to take some time to retreat to into God’s secret place. Turn off the noise and seek his face. Don’t let media narrative drive your beliefs. Let your only hope and strength be in Christ Jesus. See as he sees! The whole earth is full of his glory!
Rume Kpadamrophe is a graduate student at the University of South Carolina. Before leaving Nigeria, he mentored several youths in prophetic, intercession, and evangelism. He is a revivalist, a writer, a researcher, and an enthusiastic lover of revival history. He desires to see revival ignited and sustained in the nations of the earth. He currently serves as the president of The Carolina Church, a campus ministry at the University of South Carolina.Rume’s email is [email protected].