Over the past couple of months, I have been horrified at the level of immorality that has become widespread. As Christians, I believe it is not enough to cry about the decadence happening in society. We must start becoming the lights we are meant to be.
The Great Commission
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Mathew chapter 28 verse 19)
In Mathew 28, Jesus commands his disciples to make disciples of all nations. One of the major responsibilities of Christians is to make disciples. Wherever we find ourselves, we have been given a divine command to shine Christ’s light.
“You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Mathew chapter 5 verses 14-16)
You don’t have to become a missionary to make disciples. We must understand that we are ambassadors of heaven and everyday is a day to fulfill God’s desire. For decades, the church has made the mistake of retreating to the building. For the church to truly influence culture, we must truly go into all the world. We must understand that ministry is not confined to the four walls of a church building. We are the church and we have been called to all the world. Whether it’s the world of entertainment, media, religion, family, technology, sports, government or education we find ourselves, we are to shine God’s light. You are a minister wherever God places you.
The war for culture
There is a war going on and it’s for culture. We are living in a time when there is a literal assault on culture from various groups spreading all sorts of ideas without caution. Popular beliefs are being questioned and changed at a rapid pace. As lights and salts of the earth, we are not to cower in defeat and wait pray for the rapture. We are to arise and shine! The current culture war will determine the popular culture of the next generation. We must recognize that the battle has already begun because you cannot win a war you do not know you’re fighting. All around us, children are being bombarded with pornography, foul language etc. And many are succumbing to the wiles of the enemy. They need an alternative. They need Christians to rise on the mountains of education, media, technology, entertainment and display the wisdom of God.
I recently watched a documentary about the decline of Christianity in Europe. The summary of this documentary was that Europe is no longer a Christian continent. Young people have deserted the faith upon which their cities were founded. I do not blame them because they believe what they have been told. I believe Christianity is on the decline in Europe because the church stopped becoming the light and salt of the earth and became just another institution. But we were never meant to become another institution. We are the Ekklesia – God’s governing body upon the earth! We are the sons of God, the body of Christ upon the earth. These young people are not leaving the church out of mere rebellion. They are leaving because they are sick of routine, they are sick of religion, they are sick hypocrisy. They want the reality of Christ. Jesus is the desire of the nations, if we are truly preaching Christ, we would be making disciples. The Gospel is powerful.
I believe we will win the war when we go back to the cross, when we start preaching truth and not our emotions, we will win when we return back to fellowship with God, we will win when we have ministers who weep for the lost. My God! Where are the prophets that weep? John Knox shook Scotland, St Patrick shaped the culture of an entire island, Evan Roberts prayed till all of Wales was revived, Archbishop Benson Idahosa revived the church in Nigeria and set the pace for future revivals. These giants of the faith stand as a reminder that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. If he did it before, he will do it again! All God needs is a man. Are you that man?
Rume Kpadamrophe is a graduate student at the University of South Carolina. Before leaving Nigeria, he mentored several youths in prophetic, intercession, and evangelism. He is a revivalist, a writer, a researcher, and an enthusiastic lover of revival history. He desires to see revival ignited and sustained in the nations of the earth. He currently serves as the president of The Carolina Church, a campus ministry at the University of South Carolina.Rume’s email is [email protected].